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Published On 1/29/2023
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The Montana Airport Directory can be downloaded to your computer or tablet!
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Published On 7/19/2023
Here is an excellent discussion of TFR's and suggestions on operating safely during fire season.
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Published On 1/17/2022
The manager of the FAA’s weather camera program shares his experiences with aviation in Alaska and why he’s excited about the forthcoming weather cameras to Hawaii’s unique landscape.
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Published On 9/18/2021
Our airplanes are like a magic carpet....they can take us deep into the wilderness or to another state in a matter of a few hours. Many of the places we choose to go with our magic carpets don't have a handy pay phone, however. This article offers some suggestions on how to prepare for the worst, and just keep your loved ones advised of your status.
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Published On 9/4/2021
An Alaskan pilot gains some insight on what actually defines "safe VFR weather".
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Published On 9/2/2021
Roy Evans II, President of the Utah Back Country Pilots Association, has shared with us a recent article he wrote about flying in smoke. It's a great article--Enjoy!
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Published On 3/6/2021
The following link will take you to a recording of the recent presentation by Anne Millbrooke called "Stories from the Aviation History of Montana". Enjoy!
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Published On 10/12/2020
Winter is rapidly approaching. Will this winter be a kind and gentle one, or an old fashioned blaster of a winter?
Who knows, but the wise Montana aviator will make some preparations prior to the onset of frigid weather.
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